MBE Newsletter



Unlike our allies, Trudeau reluctant to accept evidence

The fact that Israel was not responsible for the bombing of a Gaza hospital last week has been accepted by our allies, but not by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Last Thursday, Trudeau said he and his government must take time to make sure we get this right.

That might hold some credence if Canada had the wherewithal to evaluate an explosion on the other side of the planet, but we don’t.

U.S. President Joe Biden has said the evidence is clear. “it was done by the other team.”

This is backed up not just by the White House but by intelligence agencies and exports around the world, with the European union saying the blast killed dozens, not the hundreds first claimed,

The initial claim last Tuesday night, made by Hamas controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, was that an Israeli missile hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and has many as 500 were killed.

That news coming under the darkness of night, elicited condemnations from around the world at what would obviously be in illegal  act, even in times of war.

As morning light allowed for a fuller examination of the facts though, a different picture emerged.

It wasn’t the hospital building that was hit, it was a parking lot next to it.

The evidence also pointed to the blast being caused by a misfired rocket from inside Gaza rather than an Israeli missile strike.

There was even the intercepted audio of Hamas operatives discussing the fact the rocket was fired from the cemetery behind the hospital by members of Palestinian Islamic Jihad another terrorist  group inside Gaza.

This should be enough for Trudeau to accept that Israeli did not commit a war crime, but when asked about this last Thursday, he tried to play both sides.

“We are obviously horrified by the attacks on, by the destruction of the hospital in Gaza. Civilian life must always be protected and international humanitarian  law must always be respected,” Trudeau said.

That part is fine. We should all want civilians to be protected and international law respected. We have laws for wars for a reason. It’s where Trudeau went next that is the problem.

“We are working closely with the allies to determine exactly what happened, “Trudeau said.

Our allies have determined what happened, he just doesn’t want to accept it.

“Everyone is in agreement that the deaths of innocents in a hospital in Gaza never should have happened, but we are taking the necessary time to look carefully at everything, and rapidly of course, before we draw any final conclusions about what happened. We are taking this extremely seriously because of all the intensity with which people are living this horrific loss of life,” Trudeau said.

In light of Trudeau’s statements last Thursday, and previous statements by him and his ministers, a joint statement was issued by B’nai Brith Canada, the Centre for Israel ad Jewish Affairs  and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre.

The three groups called on the Trudeau government to “retract and clarify its earlier comments that can only be interpreted as giving credence to the false narrative of the Hamas terror group.”

The three groups pointed out that Hamas is a listed terrorist group under Canadian law so any statements coming from the government of Gaza, which they control, should be thoroughly vetted before being shared.

Trudeau, like all leaders in Canada right now, is under immense scrutiny to choose sides in this brutal and bloody conflict. He did the right thing at the start by stating clearly that Hamas is a terrorist group, that their attacks on Israel were barbaric and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

After doing the right thing early on, he shouldn’t look for the first off-ramp he can find when he starts to face pressure form the other side.

Trudeau has since changed his stance and has agreed with his allies that Hamas was indeed responsible for the bombing of the hospital.

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