MBE Newsletter



Not enough being done by cops to deal with rise in anti-Semitism

What does it take?

What does it take for police and prosecutors to do their job, that is.

What does it take?

Since October 7th, when a modern shoa (catastrophe) commenced, this country has shamed itself. This country has witnessed the biggest single surge in Jew-hatred since the years leading to the Second World War. It has led to headlines around the world.

Now, in the Trudeau era, it has become difficult for Canada to distinguish itself on the international stage. We are not known for very much these days.

But since Oct. 7th, we have achieved international distinction for something few wanted and fewer foresaw: We have become a world leader in unsolved anti-Semitic crime. We are gold medalists in that.

A Jewish school in Montreal is shot up – not once, but twice. The police have no suspects. No one has been charged.

Synagogues and Jewish community centres are fire-bombed in Montreal, multiple times. The police have no suspects. No arrests.

A Muslim leader, before 20,000 witnesses, calls on God to exterminate Jews. He still walks the streets. No charges.

And last week, a Jewish-owned business in the Toronto area is fire bombed. The supermarket had a sign out front, calling itself “IDF” – International Delicatessen Foods. Was the supermarket fire-bombed, and its windows smashed, because of the sign? Well, whoever was behind the attack erased any doubt: They spray-painted the words “FREE PALESTINE” on the walls.

So, again, what does it take?

What, specifically, have police and prosecutors done to end this wave of anti-Semitic crime? What have they done to signal to the Jew haters that they will be caught and punished?

Not much.

So, as a result, the Jew hating, pro-Hamas thugs grow more bold. They hiss death threats at people, right in front of the police, and get away with it. They make lots of threats online, and giddily promote hatred and genocide. They deny murder, they deny rape.

And, week after week, they have taken to blocking access to and from the Highway 401, one of the busiest highways in North America.

What does it take?

It should be pointed out, perhaps, that the police haven’t been entirely silent. They’ve issued lots of stern-sounding tweets, yes. They’ve put out lots of news releases, yes.

But it’s been a lot of noise, signifying nothing, to appropriate Shakespeare. It’s been a lot of bluster and B.S.

No arrests for the sorts of crimes described above.

The politicians, too, haven’t done much. Apart from issuing social-media statements of the “thoughts and prayers” variety, few have shown any real determination to stamp  out this hateful crime wave.

Toronto City Councillor Mike Colle is one of the few. He actually was the first to draw the IDF-fire-bombing to everyone’s attention. Colle has been livid, and fired off a second letter to federal and provincial attorneys-general, demanding that “they urgently take action and enact immediate legislative measures – to address the unprecedented rise in hate-related acts.”

We can only hope that Mike Colle gets a response, and gets some action.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can only hope that our police forces will awake from their slumber before it is too late – for Jews and the rest of  us, too.

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