MBE Newsletter



If diplomats attack Canada, they can’t stay

At what point do we start kicking out China’s diplomats for interfering in Canada’s domestic affairs?

Given that the diplomat who was orchestrating efforts to target the family of an MP is still in Canada, still on the government’s list of diplomats, there is nothing China can do that will see the Trudeau government act.

The Trudeau government didn’t kick out any diplomats when it learned of China’s attempts at election interference in reports from CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service). They didn’t kick out any of China’s diplomats as details about these election interference attempts became public over the last several months.

When it was revealed that China was operating a number of illegal police stations in Canada to intimidate the Chinese-Canadian communities in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, the Trudeau government did nothing. No one has been removed, not even those who were in the country under false pretences and then acting as police agents for the police state in Beijing.

The story of Michael Chong, though I thought might push Trudeau to act, but it’s now been a week since Trudeau found out about the allegations and Zhao Wei still has his diplomatic status.

In February 2022, Chong sponsored a motion condemning China’s genocide against their Uyghur minority. It passed unanimously with the support of 266 MP’s from all parties, though the Trudeau cabinet and several MPs did abstain.

China announced sanctions against Chong for that motion but what wasn’t known was that Chong’s family members in Hong Kong were targeted with intimidation. Chong has extended family in China through his father, who immigrated to Canada at  a young age.

CSIS found out about the targeting but didn’t tell Chong despite giving him several briefings over the last two years on other aspects of foreign interference.

Why didn’t the Trudeau government tell Chong? According to the prime minister, he only found out about the intimidation factor last week.

“I learned that following the media reports last Monday morning,” Trudeau told reporters last Wednesday morning.

The fact it was incompetence rather than negligence on the part of the government doesn’t make me feel better. That Trudeau has now directed CSIS to alert the government to any threats such as this against MPs or their families is a directive they shouldn’t have had to issue.

If you are feeling like our intelligence agency may be lacking in skill and common sense, you aren’t alone.

Someone in government should have been aware of this report about China, specifically that a Chinese diplomat stationed in Toronto was part of an intimidation campaign against an MP. That no one outside of CSIS was made aware, which is what the Trudeau government is claiming, is deeply concerning.

None of that takes away from the big question, though: Why is Zhao Wei still in Canada?

For any diplomat to operate in this county, they need approval from the government and credentials issued by the Governor General. In the case of Zhao Wei, those credentials should have been stripped last Monday and he should have been on the first plane out.

Why didn’t the Trudeau government tell Chong? According to the prime minister, he only found out about the intimidation factor two weeks ago.

The same can be said for much  of China’s intelligence operatives masquerading as diplomats in Canada – it’s time to send them packing.

Our prayers have been answered. The Liberal government moved last Monday to expel Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei, who Canada’s spy agency alleged was involved in a plot to intimidate Conservative MP Michael Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong.
Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly wrote in a statement Monday that Canada has declared the Toronto-based diplomat as “persona non grata.”
“We will not tolerate any form of foreign interference in our internal affairs,” she wrote.
“Diplomats in Canada have been warned that if they engage in this type of behaviour, they will be sent home.”

Also last Monday, China’s embassy in Ottawa issued a statement that accused Canada of breaching international law and acting based on anti-Chinese sentiment. It said the move has “sabotaged” relations between China and Canada, according to an official English translation provided by the embassy, and promised unspecified retaliatory measures.

Early last Tuesday morning, Beijing announced it will be expelling a Canadian diplomat in China.

In a statement posted to its English website, the Foreign Ministry said China was deploying a “reciprocal countermeasure to Canada’s unscrupulous move,” which it said it “strongly condemns and firmly opposes.”

It said Jennifer Lynn Lalonde, consul of the Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai, has been declared persona non grata and asked to leave by May 13.

Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei has been given five days to leave the country!

In the CSIS  report , when the news broke about Chong and his family being targeted, it stated that China views Canada as an easy mark.

We are a G7 country, NATO member, part of the Five Eyes Intelligence sharing network and are therefore of great interest to China, but we don’t offer repercussions for those caught , the report said.

The lack of repercussions apparently extends so far as to not expelling diplomats who have abused their privileges and looked to intimidate Canadian MPS over how they vote.

It’s time for the Trudeau government to grow a spine and stand up for Canada on this file.

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