MBE Newsletter



Trudeau Grits abruptly set spat with Modi to private

A week ago Tuesday, the Justin Trudeau government responded to news that India was kicking out 41 Canadian diplomats by saying diplomatic talks should remain private. This from the same government that announced in Parliament that there were “credible allegations” linking India to an assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil.

If the about-face in the space of two weeks makes your head spin, you’re not alone.

“We are in contact with the government of India. We take Canadian diplomats’ safety very seriously,” Trudeau’s Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said last Tuesday ahead of a cabinet meeting.

“And we will continue to engage privately because we think that diplomatic conversations are best when they remain private.”


This from the government that accused an ally and key trading partner of an extrajudicial killing in public. Once again, the Trudeau government is embarrassing itself and the rest of us, all at the same time.

It  is clear now that the prime minister overplayed his hand when he threw out allegations against India on Sept. 18th. Without providing any proof, Trudeau stood on the floor of the House of Commons and accused Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of being complicit in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey B.C.

“Over the past number of weeks, Canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen,” Trudeau told the Commons three weeks ago.

India has denied the allegation and in response to Trudeau’s call for them to co-operate in an investigation, their government has asked for Canadian officials to share proof or evidence they can look into. While Trudeau said he has taken this issue directly to Modi and that security officials have spoken to their Indian counterparts, so far nothing is moving in Canada’s direction.

Even our allies continue to move toward India, while gently encouraging them to co-operate with Canada.

“We’re very concerned about the allegations that have been raised by Canada, by Prime Minister Trudeau,” U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said at a news conference a week ago Friday.

While adding that those responsible for Nijjar’s killing must be held accountable, that’s about as much as Canada is getting from its allies.

From India, we are getting consequences.

Canadian citizens seeking a visa to enter India have been told there will be none. That affects not only tourists, but many Canadians who want to travel for family events like India’s wedding season, which is just getting started.

Then there are the diplomats being kicked out, reducing Canada’s ability to help Canadians in India and to make Canada’s case on business and consular matters.

“We’re going through an extremely challenging time with India right now,” Trudeau said in his best imitation of Captain Obvious.

Trudeau added that his government is “taking this extremely seriously, but we’re going to continue to engage responsibly and constructively with the government of India.” Engaging responsibly with India would not include accusing them of being involved in what amounts to an assassination without publicly releasing a shred of proof.

If there is proof that India was involved in the killing of Nijjar, a man India had declare a separatist and had looked to have extradited, then Trudeau must produce it. This doesn’t mean laying the whole case bare, but it does mean putting enough in the public domain to make Canada’s case and call Modi’s bluff.

Failure to do that will mean it’s Trudeau, not Modi, who is bluffing and Canadians with continue to suffer due to Trudeau’s inability to think before acting.

If he and his foreign affairs minister truly think diplomatic conversations are best being kept private, he needs to explain his public statements of three weeks ago.

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